Let me show you the secrets of Osteopathy
The Secrets of Osteopathy are quite simple, they have been preserved in the profession for hundreds of years. They are the four main principles of osteopathy, created by its founder Dr. Andrew Taylor Still at the end of the 19th century. These form the basis of osteopathic thinking and influence osteopathic treatment plans and what make osteopathy so effective.
The Four Principles of Osteopathy are
1) The body is a unit
All structures and functions of the body are inseparably connected to each other. The body is considered a one whole unit and all of it’s parts are interrelated.
2) Structure governs function
Only structure that is completely intact can function properly. If the structure of the body is compromised and lacks mobility (for example through injury, overuse, strain, etc.), then it is very likely to have an adverse effect on its function (for example manifesting as pain, stiffness, instability, etc.).
3) The body has its own Self Healing Mechanism
The body has a natural property that keeps itself in balance as much as possible.
Every person has their own innate ability to heal which can be stimulated and supported by removing restrictions in mobility that are standing in the way of the healing process.
4) The Rational Treatment Approach is based on the three preceding principles
Keeping the above principles in mind, each treatment is patient centered and individually based. Also, it is important not to over treat the patient.
Over the last 12 years I have dedicated myself to expanding my education to better understand the complex needs of my clients and the best methods of treatment. This is what has led me to study Osteopathy. Osteopathy is arguably the most holistic of all approaches to alleviating pain and the symptoms of disease. It recognizes the mind/body/spirit connections that make us whole. Osteopathy is a complete treatment method of the integrated musculoskeletal, visceral system and craniosacral systems. Manual examination and treatment of the mobility of all these systems finds links to improve the patient’s health.
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