This specialized and tested treatment method considers all components that are important for fertility. It uses science and research along with manual therapy to tackle the complexity of reproduction. It will effectively treat reproductive organ restrictions and surrounding mechanical dysfunction to change and improve vascular and neurological communication. It will also affect hormonal and metabolic processes that are important for fertility health.
There are many causes of infertility, creating the right internal environment along with the right lifestyle changes can bring about balance and repair. Using this treatment in conjunction with IVF, can also make IVF more effective.
If you have any of the following medical histories this treatment can help:
* trauma or surgery to the abdomen, pelvis, hips or low back, sacrum or tailbone
* blocked fallopian tubes
* inflammatory conditions like endometriosis, PCOS, fibroids, digestive and bowel inflammation
* chronic infection (like vaginal, bladder, kidney)
* menstrual issues (dysmenorrhea, dyspareunia, irregular periods)
* hormonal imbalance or hypothalamus dysfunction effecting oestrogen, progesterone, or FSH