Craniosacral Therapy is effective in treating areas of nerve dysfunction, hormones, immune system, muscular skeletal system, as well as mental and emotional health. Craniosacral therapy is safe, gentle and relaxing and can improve symptoms of concussion, migraines and headaches, anxiety, chronic inflammation, vertigo and so much more.
With very light touch and gentle movement of tissues and structures that make up the central nervous system, the dural system, diaphragms, and cranial bones, overall body function can improve and healing occurs in very powerful ways. By making corrections and facilitating releases in these areas, our body is able to unwind the deep tension and restrictions we hold in our tissues. In doing so, we can also begin to release the emotions that are wound into these tensions and twists. Clients often describe feeling lighter, clear minded, sleeping better, and more emotionally sound after treatment.
Craniosacral Therapy for Infants and Children
Early prevention and treatment with craniosacral therapy will allow your child to develop to their full potential. Many challenges begin at child birth; an infant’s journey into the world can be stressful which can naturally create compression, twists or pulls in their body. Many ailments can be a symptom of a physical restriction in any tissue that was brought on through labor and delivery. As children grow and thrive they also face challenges that can be safely corrected through his therapy. Slips and falls as well as illness, intolerances and infections should be addressed so they do not persist into adulthood.
Child disorders may also include:
• delayed development
• poor immune
• allergies
• chronic ear infections
• asthma
• autism
• anxiety
• headaches
• moodiness